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Nella furia di ordinare navi tipica dell’inizio del nuovo millennio, Minoan Lines arriva perfino in Corea per piazzare l’ordine di tre traghetti da oltre 30 nodi, comprendente l’opzione per una quarta nave cancellato solo all’ultimo istante utile. Mentre per le navi precedenti la compagnia aveva unito alla capacità di carico anche una notevole capacità passeggeri, per la classe Samsung si punta a soli 1.000/1.200 passeggeri, dei quali soli 200/400 in cabina. Le navi vengono concepite per le rotte Venezia – Igoumenitsa – Patrasso, con transit time di 15 e 21 ore, e per la Pireo – Chania, che avrebbe dovuto essere riaperta nel 2001; la PROMETHEUS, ritratta a Patrasso il 7 agosto 2001, entra a servire la Venezia – CorfuIgoumenitsa – Patrasso con Aretousa ed Erotokritos, la OCEANUS, destinata a riaprire la Pireo – Chania, è fotografata invece a Patrasso il 16 agosto 2001, impegnata nel collegamento diretto tra il Peloponneso e Venezia. Nessuna delle due gemelle avrà fortuna coi colori Minoan, e dopo l’estate 2003, entrambe verranno vendute ad acquirenti italiani.


The original concept of “high speed ferry” was seen in 1995, with the first generation of Minoan and Superfast newbuildings, and later in 1998 evolved into the second generation. After these deliveries, anyway, the fierce competition between Minoan Lines and Superfast Ferries led to an order of a third generation of ferries, with an overall length of over 200 metres and a cruise speed exceeding 30 knots. The first ferry to be delivered should have been of Superfast Ferries, but Minoan Lines, due to the delays of the German yards, was able to introduce first its KNOSSOS PALACE, here seen at Piraeus on Christmas 2000, even if Anek Lines deployed some weeks before the first “third generation” ferry, the Olympic Champion. While the battle theatre was mainly Adriatic Sea, this ferry was designed and built to serve the stalwart of Minoan Lines service, the domestic Piraeus – Heraklion route, a link where Superfast wasn’t able to get a service licence. They introduced an own ferry on that line only nine years later, when the companies weren’t the same anymore.





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