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Di fronte all’invasione di navi nuove da parte della concorrenza, Anek Lines risponde acquistando due gemelle in Giappone, di cui la prima, KRITI I, è stata ritratta ad Ancona il 09/08/1997. Superfast Ferries puntava maggiormente sulla velocità, Minoan Lines invece  guardava al comfort, mentre le gemelle di Anek Lines risultano, alla prova dei fatti, né lussuose, né veloci. Nonostante ciò, hanno retto la linea di Ancona per quattro anni, quindi, dal 2002 al 2011, la linea di Heraklion. E tuttora resistono in flotta.



While the competing operators were introducing several new buildings, Anek Lines replied buying two Japanese sisters, the first one, named KRITI I, was depicted in Ancona on August 9th, 1997. Superfast Ferries vessels were very fast, Minoan Lines new buildings were comfortable, the Anek Lines sisters, instead proved to be neither fast nor luxurious. But they maintained the service on Ancona line for four years and, later, the Heraklion line between 2002 and 2011. And they still are part of ANEK fleet.






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