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Una volta G.A. Ferries era una delle compagnie leader nell’Egeo: non stupisca quindi, il 28/06/1996, di vedere una carovana di navi bianco-rosso-blu in uscita da Pireo per le isole. La DIMITRA, ritratta poco dopo la Romilda, ha però avuto meno fortuna: già vista coi colori Strintzis, dopo due soli anni per G.A. Ferries passa a Dane Sea Line, quindi, vittima di un incendio, che distrugge la nave, spende qualche anno in disarmo prima di venir demolita.



Once upon a time, G.A. Ferries was one of the leading Aegean companies, so it was not unusual, in a day like June 28th, 1996, to see a “caravan” of white-red-blue ferries leaving Piraeus for the islands. The DIMITRA, pictured little time after the fleet-mate Romilda, was less lucky than her: sold to Dane Sea Line after only two years of service, was caught by fire in Piraeus and destroyed, being laid up for few years before being scrapped.





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